2025 India Tour Waitlist

Plans are in place for 1 or 2 experiences in 2025.

Potentially a week-long opportunity in Nepal around March/April to explore the vast and profound temples that pertain to the history of Hatha Yoga (plus a mountainous day hike).

Otherwise, a 9-10 night experience in the mystical realms of East India, exploring ancient and rare yogini temples, darshan at living breathing devi temples, significant sites that pertain to the awe-inspiring experiences shared in the famous Autobiography of a Yogi, and heart-warming holy places.

Dates will be over the NSW, Australia, school holidays.

Places are limited due to the nature of the travel.

Enter your information below to get exclusive first access to details and early-bird pricing.

Twin and single room options will be available.

What is a yātrā?

A yātrā is a spiritually inclined journey, or pilgrimage, from one holy place to another.

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